Turiya - The fourth state - The state of Pure Awareness

 Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness distinct from the other three states of consciousness: Jagrat (wakefulness), Swapna (sleep with dreams), Sushupti (sleep without dreams) and called Turiya (the fourth state). The fourth state, Turiya, led by Yoga Nidra, is the state of Pure Awareness. Following traditional classification, we can ask, why is it after sleep without dreams?

This classification is exactly the same as the sleep cycle process, according to scientific research! Alert - Sleep with dreams - Sleep without dreams - Alert - Sleep with dreams - Sleep without dreams - Alert ... But except the first, in the beginning and the last in the end, the other Alerts are not absolute, because they remain in the state of mind without fluctuations, vrttis.

When Yoga refers to the cessation of fluctuations, do not mean stopping the mind. This interpretation is completely popular and has been recycled by various supposed gurus of the "New Age". Buddha said, "By the mind we go to Samadhi." It is a cease of fluctuations in the linear mind.

Stopping the fluctuations of the mind, we have the direct contact of Purusha's reflection with the objects of the senses. This is called Turiya and it happens every day within us. According to a more Yoga analysis, it is: Alert - Turiyia - Sleep with dreams – Sleep without dreams - Turiya - Alert - Sleep with dreams – Sleep without dreams - Turiya - Alert ...... In this first Turiya or in the next once, it aims the real Yoga Nidra! 

In some texts of Yoga Nidra there are mistaken instructions as "I will not sleep", "I will remain awake". The right directio is, "I will remain an observer of the situations that Yoga Nidra will bring to me". As, in its process, of course, is also the conscious sleep.
